Yearly Archives: 2018


The essentials for a modern farmhouse design

The essentials for a modern farmhouse design Interested in a farmhouse home design? Well, fortunately for you, they're in style, and with a few simple tips you can take your design a step beyond the standard, cliched look of a traditional layout. First, focus on the layout and colors - white and neutral colors always [...]

By |March 22nd, 2018|features|0 Comments

Low profile, high style: Kitchens that go with the flow

Low profile, high style: Kitchens that go with the flow Generally speaking, kitchens are given a ton of attention, and with good reason: they're where everyone gathers, where the meals are prepared, and are generally the heart of the house. But, just because the kitchen is important doesn't mean that it has to be ornately [...]

By |March 20th, 2018|features|0 Comments

Tile style: indulge in vivid patterns and don’t keep it just in the bathroom

Tile style: indulge in vivid patterns and don't keep it just in the bathroom Think that tile is just for bathrooms? Think again! Lately, tile has been all the rage, and has been making it into designs in rooms beyond the basic washroom that you'd expect. Designers and owners are being drawn to tile by [...]

By |March 15th, 2018|features|0 Comments